About us

Marine Industry News is an independent online trade publication and daily newsletter bringing together the latest leisure marine, superyacht and commercial marine market news.

Aiming to inform and inspire, Marine Industry News reports on the top stories and events from across the marine industry and delivers breaking news into the inboxes of over 12,500 marine industry professionals, worldwide, every day. Find out how to contact the editorial, advertising or production team on MIN‘s contact page.

The Editorial Team

Zella Compton
Managing editor

Zella started her writing career in the building industry, before editing trade and consumer titles for various publishing houses.

She wrote a weekly column for The Portsmouth News for 14 years and has been extensively published in national press including The Times. Zella became managing editor of MIN in 2019.

Chantal Haines

Chantal has written for high-profile marine and travel titles for the past 15 years and became editor of MIN in 2021.

Previously chief sub editor at Motor Boat & Yachting magazine, Chantal has a broad knowledge of the leisure marine industry and a passion for boating and travel. She has also worked with leading boatbuilders as a content creator.

Anna Cummins
Deputy editor

Anna has been producing in-depth features from across Asia and Europe over the past decade, developing a particular knowledge of the marine industry in recent years. With a degree in biosciences, she is particularly interested in uncovering how the industry is working to protect vital marine habitats and reduce pollution.

As well as researching and writing original content, Marine Industry News sources stories from around the world. MIN endeavours to credit every quote used in its wider news reporting, and every image. If your material is inadvertently used incorrectly, please contact the team immediately at info@marineindustrynews.co.uk so that the situation can be rectified. No copyright infringement is intended.

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MIN would love to hear your latest news, whether it’s a new product, project or appointment. Please send your news to info@marineindustrynews.co.uk for consideration.

There is some straightforward guidance below, to help you write a news release. Have a look at these guidelines for some tips. If you need more help, contact MIN to learn more about its copywriting service via info@marineindustrynews.co.uk.

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The Commercial Team

Mike Shepherd

Mike worked across a raft of magazine titles for 15 years, including gaming, computer, and yachting, prior to setting up his own marketing agency. Mike is a keen sailor. He competes in his ILCA dinghy at Stokes Bay, and also completed the Clipper Race in 2002. Mike is well known across the marine trade for utilising his unique blend of knowledge, people and products to bring companies together in mutually beneficial ways. He first published MIN in 2017.

Lyndsay McClay
Commercial manager

Lyndsay is MIN’s commercial manager. She has over eight years’ experience in the marine industry and shows her passion for the market and the people who work within it by supporting business via MIN and through her involvement with British Marine. Alongside work, Lyndsay has just completed a master’s degree in English Literature and is working on her first novel.

Gina Groom
Production manager

Gina has been on the MIN team since 2018. As well as proofreading and ensuring the website content is accurate, she manages clients’ advertising for digital and print channels. She has an interest in the leisure marine industry and is an active member of her local sailing club.

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