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Marine Industry News delivers breaking news and information from across the leisure marine market into the inboxes of over 12,500 verified industry professionals, worldwide, every day.

65k+ Monthly Audience

Adverts on MIN’s website can be seen by over 65k marine trade professionals a month

35% Newsletter Open Rate

MIN’s daily newsletter is sent to over 12,500 inboxes, has an incredible open rate of 35% and an average click-through rate of 9.7%

120,000+ MPV

MIN’s website has over 120,000 monthly page views

Over the last 12 months (Oct21-22), the MIN website has been visited over 790,000 times and enjoys an average monthly audience of over 65,000 with over 120,000 monthly page views. MIN also has over 22,000 followers across its social media channels.

Marine Industry News aims to keep the marine industry engaged and informed through its free, interesting and accessible content. Lee Gordon, vice president of global public relations and communications at Brunswick Group says:

MIN does a wonderful job of covering the marine industry in EMEA, featuring stories that are contemporary and relevant to our changing industry. It is great to read stories updated daily about sustainability, environmental issues, autonomy, electrification and more – topics that are very relevant and important to us.”

MIN provides an engaging route for its clients to connect with marine industry professionals through print and digital advertising or via its social media channels. MIN has four annual print issues to complement its online offering, with over 18,000 copies of each edition received digitally and in print by international leisure marine professionals in over 190 countries. MIN print editions will also be available at multiple boat shows throughout 2023, including Southampton International Boat Show, METSTRADE and boot Düsseldorf.

All digital figures listed above are based on MIN’s Google Analytics data which the commercial team is happy to share live with prospective clients.

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Who are our readers (by profession)?
Business owner / MD / CEO 43%
Manager 21%
Senior Executive 13%
Team Member 8%
Other 15%
Who are our readers (by sector)?
Leisure Marine 82%
Commercial 10%
Superyachts 6%
Defence 2%
Website visitors by location
UK & Europe 61%
USA & Canada 26%
Australia & NZ 4%
Rest of The Americas 2%
Other 7%

Digital Advertising

Website Takeover

Across the whole website, 1737 x 400px

£2,500 per month

Sector Takeover

Across Leisure, Commercial or Superyacht sector, 1737 x 400px

£1,200 per month

Main Leaderboard

Top of the page, next to the MIN logo, 728 x 90px

£1,000 per month


On side panels, 300 x 600px

£1,000 per month


On side panels, 300 x 250px

£700 per month


Within stories, 728 x 90px

£450 per month

Print Advertising

Front Cover

297 x 290mm


Inside Front Cover / Inside Back Cover

297 x 420mm


Back Cover

297 x 420mm



297 x 420mm


Full Page

297 x 420mm


1/2 Page

266 x 186mm


1/4 Page

130 x 186mm


Daily Newsletter Rates

Top Banner

Top of the newsletter, underneath MIN logo. 600px x 175px

£900 per week (5 newsletters)


Within newsletter stories, 600px x 175px

£700 per week (5 newsletters)

Job Ad

Within newsletter stories

£400 per week (5 newsletters)


Sent to over 12,000 inboxes

£3,000 per month

In Focus

HTML email sponsorship


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