Association of Women in Yachting presents demystifying menopause webinar

The Association of Women in Yachting says it is ‘thrilled’ that Lauren Chiren has joined the AWY as its menopause expert, and that she is hosting a webinar during Menopause Awareness month, on Tuesday 5th October 2021, 1400-1500 BST.

Chiren educates employers on why being menopause supportive makes good business sense and supports high performing women to navigate the changes and challenges of all things hormonal, from monthly cycle to menopause.

As a trusted coach, mentor and keynote speaker, Chiren has helped thousands of executives, celebrities and athletes globally and holds qualifications in psychology, mental health, nutrition, coaching, personal training and more.

Chiren will share her knowledge and stimulate the debate on what being well means, at all stages of life, with insightful directness, commercial pragmatism and absolute passion for ensuring optimum wellbeing and resilience.

Her goal is to transform global attitudes to menopause, helping organisations to support their teams through this transformation successfully and to empower women to retain their vitality and presence throughout their menopausal journey.

Sign-up for demystifying the menopause.

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