Hash and heroin worth £3m recovered by HMS Montrose

HMS Montrose’s RM boarding teams approach a suspicious dhow while operating as part of Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) counter-narcotics operations in the Northern Arabia Sea. Counter-narcotics operation in support of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150. LESS than five weeks after HMS Montrose conducted two successful drug interdictions, the Royal Navy warship seized another 3 Tonnes of illicit drugs on 12th March in the Northern Arabian Sea. On his final day at sea in Command of HMS Montrose, Commander Ollie Hucker successfully led the counter-narcotics operation. In the operation, which lasted 10 hours, 2800 kg of hashish and 50 kg of heroin were seized. The operation has deprived criminal and terrorist networks of circa £3.24 million, restricting their ability to fund illicit activity.

Drugs worth more than £3m have been seized by Royal Navy warship HMS Montrose – her third bust in little over a month.

The frigate recovered nearly three tonnes of hash and heroin from a dhow in the northern Arabian Sea.

The suspect vessel was spotted by the frigate’s Wildcat helicopter during a routine dawn patrol.

Once within close range, Montrose launched her commando boarding team in fast boats. The combined display of force – with the helicopter overhead providing cover – brought the drug runners to a halt.

The search of the dhow by sailors and marines resulted in 50kg hashish and 2,800kg heroin – with a wholesale value of £1m and £2.24m respectively.

It comes on the back of two seizures in as many days in the same waters in mid-February when various illegal narcotics worth £11m were confiscated.

Montrose was attached to a Canadian-led task group at the time. Combined Task Force 150 is committed to disrupting criminal and terrorist activity and the and illegal trade of drugs and weapons in the Indian Ocean.

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