New Aqua superPower electric boat chargers in Cowes

Stakeholders taking test rides on the Vita Seal (Credit Aqua superPower Ltd)

Cowes Harbour Commission and Aqua superPower have launched three new rapid chargers for electric boats in Cowes, Isle of Wight.

On Monday 24 July, Bob Seely MP cut the ribbon and officially launched the new electric boat charging stations at Trinity Landing and Shepard’s Marina, marking a significant step towards sustainable boating in the Isle of Wight.

Switch-on & Ribbon Cutting for 3 new Aqua 75 marine superchargers - Dr Bob Seely MP (Credit Aqua superPower Ltd)

Electric boat charging in the UK

Electric propulsion is revolutionising the boating industry, and the new Aqua superPower marine fast charge stations on Trinity Landing and at Shepards Marina will form part of the marine charging corridor along the south coast of England, connecting the Isle of Wight with the Solent, and serve as crucial infrastructure in reducing carbon emissions and preserving our pristine coastlines and inland waters.

Cowes, a world-renowned yachting centre, and home to the prestigious sailing event that bears its name, is one of the UK’s most popular boating destinations.

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