Opportunities in the UK Tidal Energy Sector

British Marine members are invited to an event which will set out some of the opportunities available in the UK’s tidal energy market.

The market for renewable energy technology has never been stronger, with the price of electricity generated by offshore wind and solar energy approaching that of its fossil fuel rivals. Renewable energy is well on the way to being a major part of the UK’s energy supply network. The Tidal Energy market is one which is rapidly growing and has the potential to provide a range of commercial opportunities both in the UK and worldwide.

The Solent Offshore Renewable Energy Consortium (SOREC) in partnership with the National Oceanographic Centre (NOC) will provide an update and information for companies which may be interested to explore opportunities in the sector. Attendees will hear from a range of contributors, including PTEC, a 30MW commercial tidal stream project, the NOC and Sustainable Marine – a successful technology development company in the tidal energy sector.

The event is taking place at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton on Thursday 2 November, between 9:30am – 3pm.

To register to attend, please use the following link: www.eventbrite.com/e/turning-the-tide-opportunities-in-the-tidal-energy-sector-tickets-38653063353

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