UK Government publishing ‘No Deal’ guidance

Published on 27 September 2018:
Since late August, the UK Government has stepped up its activity focussed on a potential ‘no deal’ scenario in the Brexit negotiations. The aim of this vast number of technical guidance notes is to help businesses and citizens plan for the possibility that the UK exits the EU without a withdrawal agreement and an agreement on its trade arrangement with the EU.

British Marine does not support a ‘no deal’ scenario and believes that both sides of the negotiations need to ensure that the UK and EU has a strong and prosperous relationship. However, it is right that all eventualities are planned for and it welcomes the technical guidance notes, which will help UK marine companies and employees understand what areas of their business they need to look at and plan contingencies for.

These technical guidance notes range from everything from regulations to taxation and environmental requirements to customs arrangements. The complete list is available from the GOV.UK website. Below, British Marine has listed some of the key technical guidance notes, based on feedback received from members. However, members are encouraged to review all these notes as they will help with the business planning process.

Highlighted Technical Guidance Notes

Click on the links below to review the technical guidance notes:

Applying for EU funding programmes
o The government’s guarantee for EU-funded programmes if there’s no Brexit deal
o Horizon 2020

Importing & Exporting
o British Marine strongly advises members to review all the notes contained in this section

Labelling products and making them safe
o Products that require CE or Wheelmark certification i.e R.C.D., Machinery Directive, P.P.E., M.E.D.
o Changes for Notified Bodies

Meeting business regulations
• Money and tax
o VAT for businesses if there’s no Brexit deal
o British Marine is working hard to get a deal on the future of VAT paid status on goods already placed on the market

• Protecting the environment
o Upholding environmental standards if there’s no Brexit deal

o Merchant Shipping Health and Safety Regulations.
Travelling  between the UK and EU

Further updates and information on all the work British Marine is doing is available to members on the British Marine website. Members can also contact British Marine to ask questions and seek further guidance. Please contact Andrew Harries, Head of External Relations at

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This article was written and/or edited by the UK-based MIN team.

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