£1,000 worth of equipment to be won in Crewsaver prize draw

Crewsaver has announced a prize draw for up to £1,000 worth of Crewsaver equipment for a sailing club or activity centre.

From lifejackets to buoyancy aids, marker buoys and wetsuits, watersport enthusiasts can take the opportunity to win products.

“We’re pleased to offer an initiative like this, the lucky winner will be able to provide quality experiences for their club or centre with the addition of their brand-new top of the range Crewsaver products,” says Commercial Director, Matt Bridge.

Entrance to the draw is via Crewsaver’s Facebook page and the completion of a survey before the 30th March deadline.

Anyone can submit their entry for the chance to win as long as they are member, or affiliated to, an activity centre or sailing club based in the UK.

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