Aquafighter keeps boat tanks water free

Aquafighter can keep a boat’s diesel tank water free and therefore eliminate the risk from harmful microbial growth says its distributors Eurotank Service Group.

The cost to industry of microbial damage or diesel bug is huge with corrosion and engine failure. The problem comes not just from free water but also from bound water and while tank driers can help eliminate free water, they cannot help with bound water. However, Aquafighter can. Once dropped into a tank it attracts not only free water but also any bound water, eliminating what could be a very costly problem. As such it is a simple solution to preventing diesel bug and the associated damage it causes.

“I would say that you should always have an Aquafighter in your fuel tank as it ensures there is no water getting into your fuel. Aquafighter is easy to install; you just drop it into the bottom of the tank and secure the retrievable cord so you can get it out again at a later date,” says Alex Cobb, owner of Marine Tec Ltd, who sees lots of problems associated with diesel bug.

Tommi Buckley, Marine Specialist at Eurotank Service Group, comments: “Aquafighter is a very simple, cost-effective way of eliminating water from your tank, removing the risk of diesel bug and the problems that brings with it. It brings piece of mind to an industry-wide problem.

“Aquafighter is also good if you are winterising your boat or have just had work done or your fuel polished. It can be suspended in a tank for a few days to dry all of the fuel, or it can be used to check tanks for free or bound water at regular intervals, or it can be left in for peace of mind.”

Aquafighter is available in various sizes – from slim (4-10cm openings) to industrial (30cm-plus openings).

In most cases, Aquafighter will keep a tank completely water free for at least a year. Used Aquafighters can be disposed of easily at a marina’s waste disposable point.

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