Borrow a Boat Funding round update

Captain’s Log

Dear Boat-lovers,

RE: Borrow A Boat Funding Round

Just a quick update for you all on the new funding round, as I’m aware that we’re past the original planned  launch date and a lot of you have been in touch asking – there’s been a slight delay caused by an interesting development and approach we’ve had from a major industry player with an interest in Borrow A Boat… this caused us to delay the launch whilst we evaluated the potential implications and scale of the opportunity, which is still TBC, and being discussed, but at the moment does not affect the funding round which will go ahead as planned.

I can’t reveal any more at this stage, but hope to in the not too distant future – in the mean time we will be launching the round as normal this week in private mode, either tomorrow or Wednesday, and to the public from next week – I will send out the link as soon as it’s up, hopefully tomorrow.

Again – private mode is the best time to invest if you plan to please as there is a cost saving to the business on private round pledges, and it gives maximum help to the public launch of the raise to have amounts pledged before launch.

Thanks for bearing with us, and thanks again for all the pledges and support – the approach we’ve had is definitely good news for Borrow A Boat and says a lot about our current position and how we’re regarded in the industry – I look forward to hopefully telling you more about it, if and when we can.

In the mean time, please send any expressions of interest and an indication of the investment level to:

Hopefully we’ll be up and running tomorrow to kick off an exciting month!  More news coming soon…

Best regards,

CEO & Founder
Borrow A Boat

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