British Marine presents Lock Keeper of the Year Award to Bristol keeper
British Marine have awarded their Lock Keeper of the Year award for 2018, with the coveted honour being presented to John Rosenthal of Bristol.
The hotel boat division of British Marine Inland Boating, chaired by Nick Mead, voted for the nominees and the final award was presented to John, who is based at Netham Lock. The award is open not only to lock keepers, but to all waterways staff who have offered outstanding assistance to waterways users.
On presentation of the award on board hotel boat Tranquil Rose, Nick Mead says: “John was voted for by the members of the British Marine Inland Boating contingent thanks to his fantastic contribution to the smooth running of our industry. John helped a number of boats at Netham Lock and was noted as being helpful, accommodating and friendly; going above and beyond in the level of service he provides. Congratulations to a well-deserved winner!
Nick adds: “As professional boaters we like to recognise the professionalism of navigation authority staff, especially when they give exceptional service to boaters. What makes canals unique is the living heritage of boating and navigation.”
Lesley Robinson, British Marine CEO, concludes: “Every nominee for this award should feel justly proud of this recognition. Hotel boats are some of the most widely travelled boaters on the system, travelling up to 1500 miles each summer season and between them travel practically the entire waterway system, making this a truly national award.”
The nominees for 2018 were:
Martin Gillate, K&A East Lead
Colin and Thelma Edwards, K&A Volunteer Lock
Annie Glynn, Brentford Lock Keeper
Keith Burnage, Sonning Lock Keeper
Annie Glynn, Thames Lock
Paul Watson, Kings Lock, Oxford
Eddy King, Camden Lock London Assistance volunteer
Peter Baxter, Volunteer Lock Keeper, Leeds
Paul Reynolds, Keeper, Liverpool
Miles Foster Bank, Newton Keeper