European study shows Covid’s mixed impact on industry in 2020

In einer gemeinsamen Aktion der Messe Duesseldorf, des ADAC und des Bundesverbandes der Wassersportwirtschaft e.V. wurden am Samstag, 8.6.2013, beim Hafenfest in Bergkamen-Ruenthe (Kreis Unna), kostenlose Probefahrten mit Motorbooten angeboten. Ab sofort koennen Sportboote mit bis zu 15 PS starken Motoren ohne weitere Vorbedingungen fuehrerscheinfrei auf allen Bundeswasserstrassen im Binnenland und an der Kueste gefahren werden. Ausgenommen ist allerdings der Rhein. Foto: Messe Duesseldorf, Constanze Tillmann. Exploitation right Messe Duesseldorf, M e s s e p l a t z, D-40474 D u e s s e l d o r f,; eine h o n o r a r f r e i e Nutzung des Bildes ist nur fuer journalistische Berichterstattung, bei vollstaendiger Namensnennung des Urhebers gem. Par. 13 UrhG (Foto: Messe Duesseldorf / ctillmann) und Beleg moeglich; Verwendung ausserhalb journalistischer Zwecke nur nach schriftlicher Vereinbarung mit dem Urheber; soweit nicht ausdruecklich vermerkt werden keine Persoenlichkeits-, Eigentums-, Kunst- oder Markenrechte eingeraeumt. Die Einholung dieser Rechte obliegt dem Nutzer; Jede Weitergabe des Bildes an Dritte ohne Genehmigung ist untersagt | Any usage and publication only for editorial use, commercial use and advertising only after agreement; unless otherwise stated: no Model release, property release or other third party rights available; royalty free only with mandatory credit: photo by Messe Duesseldorf]

The first-ever study by European Boating Industry, Bundesverband Wassersportwirtschaft e.V., and boot Düsseldorf offers a unique insight into how the recreational boating industry in Europe fared in 2020 given Covid-19. Presented at the International Breakfast Meeting on 20 April and now published, the study shows a mixed impact on the industry in 2020 with a positive outlook for the next year and some clear trends.

The study, led by two graduates of the Jade University Wilhelmshaven in Germany (Amelie Cesar & Natascha Zwenke) is the result of a unique cooperation between European Boating Industry, Bundesverband Wassersportwirtschaft e.V. and boot Düsseldorf. The study analyses the impact of the pandemic in 2020 on a number of key indicators and the outlook of the industry. It is based on the responses of companies within EBI’s membership that were surveyed in late 2020 following the end of the summer season, as well as interviews with experts among EBI’s full members.

The study shows a varied picture of the impact of Covid-19 and the various restrictions at national level for 2020, with some countries and some sub-sectors more impacted than others. Some markets however also did exceptionally well with revenues increasing. A clear picture emerges for 2021 and beyond, showing a positive outlook for companies. It also demonstrates the need for political support measures at national and European level.

  • Over 96% of companies that responded were SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises), and almost half were micro-SMEs.
  • A third of companies indicated an increase in revenue while more than half recorded a drop in revenue. Unsurprisingly, companies with their main activity in tourism and production have been hit harder than companies in the distribution sector and service sectors.
  • 23% of companies had to lay off employees while 22% increased employment. The impact on employment may be more significant in the long-term.
  • The interest in boating is seen as increasing in both the short and long-term.
  • In all countries, governments supported companies in difficulty. Government support however remains necessary on a national and European level with a focus on financial support, effective legislation, and promotion.
  • The outlook for businesses in the boating industry is perceived as positive for 2021 with only 23% seeing it as poor.

The full results of the study and analysis are available for members of EBI, BVWW and the network of boot Düsseldorf.

“The result of this study is also essential for the further development of boot Düsseldorf,” says Petros Michelidakis, boot Düsseldorf project director. “The international boating industry, and the entire water sports industry, have enormous potential. We will use this for boot Düsseldorf and continue to offer the water sports community a show that is unique worldwide and will be the reflection of the market. I am very pleased that we will already prove this at boot 2022, because the industry’s interest in taking part and present to its audience again is very high.”

“It is encouraging to see that our industry has been able to hold up well in 2020 and companies are positive for the future,” says Philip Easthill, EBI secretary-general. “This shows the resilience of our industry and hard work over the last year. Our industry is clearly very well positioned to take advantage of new consumer trends and benefit in the short and long-term. Given the impact that the pandemic has nevertheless had, the study clearly shows the importance of effective policy at all levels of government to support recovery and help the industry return to growth in the next years.”

Image courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann.

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