8th consecutive Clipper Race for Marlow Ropes

This will be the 8th Clipper Race for Marlow Ropes

Marlow Ropes and the Clipper Race share a 16 year relationship. This will be the 8th consecutive edition where the two leading brands in British sailing join forces.

As Official Supplier, the matched fleet of Clipper 70s have been rigged with D2 Racing which provides industry leading high strength and low stretch for safety and performance while racing in demanding conditions.

This year we are delighted to have our own Marlow ambassador on board, selected from the 110 international Round the World crew members, to report on their journey as they complete each of the 8 legs and circumnavigate the world. This will be a fascinating view of life on board and we wish the crew the very best of luck as they set sail from Liverpool on the 20th August.

Keep updated at www.marlowropes.com with our dedicated Clipper Race News hub and if you’re visiting one of the many stopovers worldwide why not try our Round the World Knot Challenge display.


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