Enata presents autonomous version of its Foiler Spirit

Enata Marine presents USV, version of its 10 meter Foiler Spirit

Enata Marine – a division of the Enata Group, a manufacturing group headquartered in the United Arab Emirates, has unveiled a new unmanned version of its 10-metre ‘flying’ Foiler model, the Foiler Spirit.

Enata says the Foiler USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) is a pilotless vessel that is being developed for military clients but which also could offer private owners even more advanced capabilities.

The yacht has a top speed of over 40 knots, a cruise speed up to 30 knots, and the increased stability that comes from foils that support a level platform underway and which serve as motion dampers when at rest, reducing the reliance on gyro stabilization.

The Foiler USV also uses Enata’s Wingman command and control software. This not only handles systems operation, monitoring, and control of things like the foil surfaces, but also, in the case of the Foiler USV, offers the possibility for simple automated tasks without the need for additional software or systems.

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In addition, Enata says the Foiler USV will have the capability for remote control and/or for fully autonomous operation. It is said to offer a range of 2,000 kilometres on a single tank while maintaining a cruising speed of 25-30 knots.

“The Foiler USV’s unmatched performance, range and handling combined with the highly intelligent Wingman software and autonomous capability makes it the perfect option for coastal security and longer-range mission profiles,” says Alois Vieujot, director of Enata.

“As an example, from Jeddah in Saudi Arabia you could monitor the entire Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with Foiler USV, and it could transit from Abu Dhabi in the UAE to Salalah in Oman or Gujarat in India. From Naples in southern Italy you could access anywhere in the Mediterranean, including Gibraltar, the Aegean and even Port Said in Egypt.

“We are very excited to be working on the USV project as it simultaneously highlights the technological expertise we hold within Enata and also the wide-ranging capabilities of our proven Foiler design.”

Enata Marine USV FOILER_USV (2)

The vessel can be equipped with different types of drone UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), as well as sound and light cannons, ballistic nets and more surveillance equipment. This means the Foiler USV can undertake a variety of roles for monitoring and patrol and can operate in weather up to sea state 5.

Production of the Foiler USV is currently underway, and Enata is planning to unveil a working demonstration in late 2023 or early 2024.

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