SIBS 2023: Airius fan technology to reduce carbon footprint expands market

Airius fan

Destratification fan systems specialist Airius is launching into the marine sector, aiming to help businesses reduce carbon emissions.

Destratification fans work by continuously circulating a column of air from the ceiling to the floor, mixing the stratified air to create a comfortable environment — avoiding the need to overheat or overcool a space.

According to the company, destratification has already made a significant impact on a variety of sectors. Guy Bridges, managing director of Airius, says: “We have provided destratification fan solutions to thousands of companies and institutions, both in the UK and around the world, including Rolls-Royce, British Airways, the Farnborough Exhibition Centre, and Gama Aviation, yielding industry-leading results.

“Destratification offers both carbon and cost-saving benefits, with clients reporting substantial reductions in their carbon footprint, averaging 35 per cent lower heating and cooling costs, and an average return on investment within six to 24 months.”

How does destratification work?

In any indoor space, warm air naturally rises away from the floor, where people and thermostats are located and accumulates at the ceiling. This creates a vertical temperature imbalance, with colder air remaining at floor level in the occupied space while heat accumulates at the roof, accelerating thermal loss. This phenomenon is known as thermal stratification. It often leads to heating systems overdelivering to maintain desired temperatures at the floor level when they could instead redistribute the already heated air that has gathered at the ceiling.

The simple-to-install fan system from Airius works by recycling the heated air that has risen to the ceiling and redistributing it evenly throughout the space. This process of recirculating already heated air, as opposed to running heating systems for extended periods, leads to lower energy bills, reduced carbon emissions, and improved comfort for staff, ultimately boosting productivity.

Carbon reduction is a surging topic for the marine industry right now. Lloyd Thomas, business development manager at Airius, says: “I understand the importance of sustainability and decarbonisation within the marine industry. It’s not merely a matter of choice; it’s a collective commitment, and supporting our onshore marine partners in meeting carbon reduction targets is paramount to our strategies. We’re not just addressing emissions; we’re actively contributing to the industry’s journey towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.”

Bridges and Thomas are visiting the Southampton Boat Show on Thursday and Friday this week (21 September and 22 September 2023).

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