Marine Industry News magazine – Issue 14 – January 2025

double page spread of marine industry news magazine issue pages 4 and 5

Welcome to issue 14 of Marine Industry News magazine.

In this issue, market predictions are laid out in Focus on the Future on page 9 while the GMBA marine business report on page 15 shares expectations for boating industries in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Abu Dhabi and Qatar. 

Arksen founder Jasper Smith tells MIN why the industry needs a new financial model and what’s next for the boatbuilding brand on page 4.

Vetus talks growth, strategy and partnerships on page 25. Electric startup BlueGrid reflects on its journey so far on page 21. Plus, a year on from its launch, Expedition Zero gives an update on its revolutionary recyclable adventure yachts on page 12. 

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