Murray Ellis leaves British Marine

British Marine’s Chief Officer of Boat Shows, Murray Ellis, has left the organisation, with his last day being Friday 19 January 2018.
Murray has been an integral part of British Marine since he joined the company, and for over 25 years he has been a leading figure in the organisation of both the Southampton and London Boat Shows.
In recent months Murray has taken a step back from his role as Chief Officer of Boat Shows at British Marine due to personal reasons, and is now leaving British Marine to pursue other interests.
Howard Pridding, CEO of British Marine stated that: “Murray is an incredibly well-respected person in both the marine industry, and the events and exhibition industry. He has contributed to the success of both the Southampton and London Boat Shows over many years. He has been a loyal friend and colleague and we wish him every success in the future”.
Murray Ellis commented: “I feel proud to have been involved in organising the London and Southampton Boat Shows, but after 25 years I feel the time is right to look to new interests. I have had the pleasure of working with a fantastic team of people over the years and wish everyone at British Marine all the best for the future”.