US marine industry focused on tariffs, trade and access as Trump returns to power

A day after Donald Trump confirmed his return to the White House, Frank Hugelmeyer, president and CEO of the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), has issued a statement on behalf of the 36,000 businesses that comprise the US recreational boating industry.

In the statement, Hugelmeyer offers his congratulations to the new President-Elect and re-affirms the industry’s top four policy priorities for the next administration will be ensuring boater access to public waters, fair trade and a competitive environment for manufacturing, investments in infrastructure, and – last but hopefully not least – support for sustainability and environmental stewardship.

“On behalf of the 36,000 businesses that comprise the US recreational boating industry, we extend our congratulations to President-elect Trump,” Hugelmeyer says. “Recreational boat, marine engine and accessory manufacturers are united in our mission to ensure the growth and success of our nation’s $230bn recreational boating economy.

“With an estimated 95 per cent of boats on our nation’s waters made right here in the U.S., recreational boating remains a proud American industry and cherished pastime. This drives our commitment to advocating for recreational water access, infrastructure that ensures a safe and enjoyable boating experience, and ongoing sustainability and manufacturing competitiveness that allows for American businesses to thrive in our global marketplace.

“We look forward to building a collaborative relationship with the new administration, the next Congress, and continuing our vital work in state houses across the nation to advance policies that support our uniquely made-in-the-U.S.A. industry and the millions of Americans who create memories on our shared waterways.”

NMMA says its focus remains on its top four policy priorities:

Boater access to public waters

“Ensuring that recreational boaters have access to public waters is essential to the growth and success of our industry,” says Hugelmeyer. “We are advocating for clear, balanced policies that protect and expand access for all. NMMA will continue to work closely with policymakers to prevent onerous restrictions that limit recreational boating, while supporting conservation efforts to preserve public waters for future generations.”

NMMA has been embroiled in a long-running lobbying campaign over the proposed North Atlantic right whale (NARW) Vessel Strike Reduction Rule, which would restrict small boats to 10 knots (roughly 11 mph) along much of the Eastern Seaboard for multiple months out of the year, to reduce the likelihood of mortalities and serious injuries to critically endangered right whales from vessel collisions. 

Trade and manufacturing

“Trade policies and tariffs have a significant impact on U.S.-based boat manufacturing and our global competitiveness,” Hugelmeyer says. “We’ll continue to press for fair trade policies and a competitive tax climate that reduces costs for manufacturers and consumers alike.”

Trump’s return to the White House will potentially reignite trade wars with multiple countries and regions, including China and Europe. Trump plans to return trade barriers to levels not seen for decades and has threatened to put tariffs of as much as 60 per cent on Chinese goods.

“With the new administration and Congress, we aim to tackle tariffs that impact our supply chain and secure trade agreements that open up more markets for our members,” says Hugelmeyer. “Further, we’ll continue to support an open business environment that empowers marine manufacturers with the freedom to innovate and leverage diverse technologies that foster growth for our uniquely made-in-American industry.”

Durable infrastructure

Hugelmeyer continues: “Modern, resilient infrastructure is critical to ensuring the boating industry’s growth. In the months ahead, we’ll encourage Congress to prioritise investments in recreational facilities, such as marinas, boat ramps, and waterways, while also advocating for strong, climate-resilient infrastructure initiatives.”

Sustainability and environmental stewardship

“Boaters and anglers are some of our nation’s original conservationists, and our industry has a vested interest in protecting marine ecosystems and investing in sustainable processes and systems that continue to enhance the recreational marine industry and boating experience for generations to come,” says Hugelmeyer.

“NMMA will continue to support policies that help expedite sustainable innovation in our industry and create public-private partnerships that enable us to bring these innovations to boating consumers.”

Hugelmeyer has also signed onto a letter from the National Association of Manufacturers, alongside 600 manufacturing and business leaders, which was released publicly on election day (5 November 2024), stating: “We believe in an exceptional America, and that our future is strongest when we are united … This moment is critical for the millions of workers and communities who rely on our success. A strong manufacturing economy is essential to our national security, economic resilience and continued prosperity.

“We must restore confidence in the future and in the economic systems that have long driven opportunity and innovation, so that American families and businesses can thrive in a united and forward-looking nation.”

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